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If you’re a theme park lover or enjoy the best thrill rides the world has to offer, you’ve found the right place.

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News & Rumors


Canada’s Wonderland
Ontario, Canada
Cedar Fair Entertainment





icon_STOPPark News
- (1/21/2025) According to an interesting news article about 1,000 feet of track has now been removed from the Mighty Canadian Minebuster roller coaster by a Priestly Demolition Inc. According to the article, the big sections of track removed will be replaced by new track very soon. The question is… will this just be a standard retracking, or will they be looking to replace the track with one of the new hybrid track systems being offered?
    A video posted below shows off some footage of the crew removing track sections on the hill leading up into the far turnaround on the coaster, but if anyone takes it out that way with a camera, it would be interesting to see what other sections have been removed since that video was shot a couple of weeks ago.

    (1/4/2025) Screamscape sources tell us that Canada’s Wonderland is expected to retire a roller coaster from the line-up over the winter season, but the good news is that this will be a ride that very few will miss. I’m talking about Time Warp, a rare Zamperla made “Volare” flying coaster, and I believe it is the last one to operate in all of North America. (UPDATE: There is a single Volare left running in North America, the Soarin’ Eagle at Luna Park (Coney Island) where the park is actually operated by Zamperla, so that isn’t entirely surprising. There is one more standing at Playland Park (Rye, NY) but according to RCDB, it hasn’t operated since the 2022 season.)
    Fun fact, the coaster first opened under the name Tomb Raider: The Ride back in 2004 back in the Paramount Parks chain days, before they were sold to Cedar Fair and all the various Paramount IP’s were dropped, thus changing the name to Time Warp while keeping the existing jungle theming.
    The Zamperla Volare coasters quickly became known for a rather painful ride experience, but you can take one last virtual ride on Time Warp by watching the official POV video below from the park.



icon_STOP2025 - AlpenFury - (2/8/2025) For those dying to see what’s going on at Canada’s Wonderland with AlpenFury, a new construction update with aerial footage shot by Amusement Insiders peeks into the park from the air to get a peek at what is going on.

    (11/25/2024) The first official construction report about the AlpenFury coaster coming to Canada’s Wonderland has been posted by the park. They give us a peek at the work taking place inside Wonder Mountain to prepare for the new coaster to travel through the structure, making some structural changes where needed, preparing the footer sites and so on. Once this work along with some needed underground work to prep for the station site is complete, they will begin installing the ride track and needed electrical inside the mountain.

    (11/20/2024) Premier Rides was showing off the lead roller coaster train car at IAAPA for the new AlpenFury coaster coming to Canada’s Wonderland next summer. What I really like is that the side body panels have been removed from Premier’s SkyRocket train design, which should make loading and unloading guests from the train’s so much easier. As a ride vehicle, I don’t mind the SkyRocket trains at all for their ride experience, and once you are inside and seated they are roomy and fairly “fluffy friendly” if you get my gist, but the act of getting in and out between the restraints and the body panels of your typical train is something of a battle all by itself. So that said, this looks to be an excellent solution to that problem while creating a very “open” ride experience for the passengers at all the same time on this epic layout launched coaster.

    (10/26/2024) We’ve got some great news for our readers in the “Great White North”, because a shipment of valuable cargo from the US is on the way to the border for you! And no… i’m not talking about smuggling sugary US breakfast cereals across the border! Instead a semi-truck load of blue Premier Rides roller coaster track and black support beams was spotted on I-94 heading east-bound just south of the Michigan making a bee-line for the Canadaian border and to drop off the precious cargo at Canada’s Wonderland for the new Alpen Fury coaster.

    (8/9/2024) Canada’s Wonderland will be adding an incredible multi-launch roller coaster for the 2025 season called AlpenFury, which will also be Canada’s “longest, tallest and fastest launch coaster!” The first launch will blast guests from the station down in the depths of Wonder Mountain, while the second will shoot them 50 meters into the air and out of the top of the mountain itself! Along the way rides will soar along 1000 meters of track and through 9 brain warping inversions, the most in all of North America on a launch coaster.
    The coaster itself will be from Premier Rides, using their Sky Rocket coaster design. For those wondering, while scanning the concept art, I don’t see a sign of any sort of ‘comfort collars” added onto the trains, though I wouldn’t be surprised if they feature a seat-belt though.
    Check out the incredible animations below!

    (7/21/2024) A new video teaser for the new 2025 Canada’s Wonderland ride project has been posted by the park, with a very creepy vibe.

    (7/19/2024) A post by Canada’s Wonderland reveals that they will be making some kind of announcement about “A new adventure” coming to the park on August 8th. The background that the graphics are overlaid on appears to be the rocky surface of Monder Mountain, which has been long rumored to be involved with the park’s next roller coaster project.

    (7/5/2024) While the thought is that some kind of launched coaster may be coming to Canada’s Wonderland for 2025 and possibly interact with the park’s Wonder Mountain, it is looking less likely to be the B&M Wing Coaster ride system shown in the concept art. Instead we’ve heard that Cedar Fair had been looking at Multi-Launch coaster concepts from Premier Rides and Zamperla for a time as well for their future projects.
    With the merger between Six Flags and Cedar Fair now in effect, that could make things even more interesting, though at this point I’d think that whatever is planned for CW was already lock-in and should be in production. Stay tuned!


icon_STOP2026 - Water Attraction - (11/14/2024) A press release from Six Flags today confirmed that the company is planning to spend over $1 BILLION on the parks over the next two years. Some of this will come in the form of enhancements to the guest experience, such as new themed areas, dining upgrades and technology enhancements. While we’ve seen the 2025 capital projects ($500 million) already announced, they decided to post a list of teasers of what they are already confirming will come to some of the parks in 2026 as part of another $525 million capital investment plan.
    Canada’s Wonderland was included on the 2026 attraction list, promising to bring “a new record-breaking water attraction” to the park. This sounds similar to an entry for Carowinds as well, and we’ve seen a lot of similar attraction concepts shared between these two parks as of late. Both are listed as record-breaking attractions, only with the CW version listed as a “water attraction” while Carowinds was described as a “water ride”. While the word play could have just been put into effect to not sound repetitive, to me the use of the phrase ‘water attraction” also includes the possibility of this being something for the water park, while Carwoinds is described more clearly as a “water ride”.


???? - Hyatt Place/Hyatt House - INDEFINITE HOLD - (5/16/21) At this point, it seems Canada’s Wonderland has opted to cancel their long planned hotel addition. This may be a temporary thing, as they failed to start construction during the time limits of the building permits they had. There is a good chance that Cedar Fair could have just opted to shelve the project for the time being until the company gets their financials back on solid legs and we have put the COVID-pandemic behind us. This could also be a reflection of the more strict lockdown rules in Canada, and Ontario in particular, that are keeping the park closed for longer than it’s American cousins who are all opening up this month.
    (4/18/20) While Cedar Fair has not issued a new timeline for the hotel, it would seem likely that the closures would push back the ‘late 2020’ planned opening of the hotel until sometime in 2021.
    (8/29/18) As we had been hearing for some time now, Cedar Fair will open a new hotel at their Canada’s Wonderland theme park property. Now we have a few more details as posted by BlooLoop. This will be a dual-branded Hyatt Place and Hyatt House hotel with 203 rooms that is set to open in late 2020. Construction is expected to begin sometime in the first half of 2019.
(4/29/18) Remember those rumored hotel plans for Canada's Wonderland?  They aren't a rumor anymore, as the plans for the new hotel were confirmed in a planning meeting. The new hotel will be 8-stories with 603 rooms and built under the Hyatt Place brand name, to be built on park property on Wonderland Drive near Rutherford Rd and Highway 400. Construction should begin soon actually, but I’m not sure if it will be ready for 2019 or 2020. \




Track Record

Canada’s Wonderland
Ontario, Canada
Cedar Fair LP

Abbreviation: CW (was PCW)

Newest Developments:
2024 - Moosehorn Falls
2023 - Tundra Twister & Snoopy’s Racing Railway

2021 - Beagle Air Brigade & Mountain Bay Cliffs

2019 - Yukon Striker

2018 - Lumberjack & Flying Canoes
2017 - Soaring Timbers & Muskoka Plunge

2016 - Skyhawk, Flying Eagles and VR Thunder Run

2015 - Typhoon & Splash Station, Slingshot

2014 - Wonder Mountain’s Guardian

2012 - Leviathan &
Dinosaurs Alive

2011 - Windseeker &
Starlight Spectacular

2010 - Boo Blasters on Boo Hill, Planet Snoopy, Snoopy On Ice

2008 - Behemoth



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