FERRARI WORLD Abu Dhabi, UAE Official Website
Park News - (12/26/2024) Congratulations to Ferrari World, as the Abu Dhabi park has officially announced the return of Formula Rossa to the parks, retaking the world record for being the fastest steel roller coaster in the world.
(12/15/2024) A tweet from ElToroRyan showcases Formula Rossa at Ferrari World making a test run once again. As our regular readers know, Formula Rossa has been sitting closed for almost the entire past year. The park has been entirely silent on the matter, but it was generally assumed that the world’s fastest launched coaster suffered a launch system failure. This is known to happen periodically on the Intamin Accelerator model coasters, as the hydraulic powered launch system is a bit temperamental, and is generally a matter of WHEN and not IF the launch motor will have a blow out. The repair time for the Accelerator system was always a long and costly endeavor, and ever since Intamin retired the model from active production, the repair times have only been extended due to the custom nature of the parts required for the system. The last bit of reporting came when a guest posted a picture claiming that the launch track was being worked on several months ago, but if testing has begun again, clearly the work is done. What isn’t known is if this was just a rebuild/repair of the old launch system, or if some kind of new or upgraded system was installed instead, or if there might be a change to the ride’s established speed record statistics. Regardless, once Formula Rossa reopens to the public, it will regain the title of being the Fastest Roller Coaster on the planet… at least until Falcon’s Flight opens at Six Flags Qidiyya in Saudi Arabia.
2025 - Nothing is known at this time...