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News & Rumors


Theme Park & Water Park
Waterloo, Iowa




Park News


icon_STOP2025 - Fire Runner - (3/21/2025) Lost Island Theme Park has posted a short teaser video showing off the official lead car for their new Fire Runner single-rail roller coaster.

    (8/17/2024) Lost Island ThemePark announced that the park is adding a new roller coaster in 2025… Fire Runner. Fire Runner will be the 6th RMC Raptor single-rail roller coasters built in the North America, with three built out west, one in Texas and another in the New Jersey, this will actually be the first one to come to the mid-America region.
    Like the early models, this one will hit a top speed of 52mph and have three inversions, but will come with 1950 feet of track, which is about 150 more than the prototype model designs used for Railblazer and the first Wonder Woman in Texas. An image of the layout unveiled at the park however shows a layout that appears to be essentially identical to the Railblazer layout, however the park says that Fire Runner will use 2 12-passenger trains, much like the second generation Six Flags models, while the original two prototypes used 3 8-Passenger trains. I’m not sure where the extra 150 feet was added, as a height for the coaster was also not given, so it’s possible this is just an overall re-design of the original concept, extended where needed for the site as well as to accommodate the longer trains in the brake run and station.
    More details are to come in the near future about Fire Runner, including details about a custom themed lead-car they are having created.





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2023 - Matugani & Yuta Falls

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