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News & Rumors


Theme Park & Water Park
Waterloo, Iowa




icon_STOP2025 - New Attractions - (7/21/2024) While I’m sure many readers were wondering if Lost Island’s reference to a “Raptor” in their teaser video was in reference to adding an RMC Raptor style single-rail roller coaster, but a reader pointed out I completely forgot about the Moose. Yes, RMC did announce a concept in 2023 that they have yet to build called the Wild Moose. (see the animation below). 
    Oh, and with the teasing being linked to a Hot Sauce, along with the characters on the teaser banner in the park, you should be keeping an eye out in the Fire Realm of the park for future construction survey markings.

    (7/19/2024) Lost Island is definitely working on something new for 2025. A small banner was spotted in the park that simply says “Something Hot Is Coming 2025” Meanwhile the park also posted a short video on IG about their “New Hot Sauce Pak’in Heat” where they go around the park giving a sample taste to guests. Curiously theyask if the flavor had “the bite of a raptor or the flavor was bold like a wild moose?”.
    This careful choice of words tie into the final theme they choose for whatever the new ride may be.

    (1/18/2024) The mystery of what is being planned for Lost Island Theme Park is growing, but another name is repeatedly being mentioned in those rumors… RMC. It’s not just the coaster fan-boys out there just trying to wish it into a reality, there are a couple of RMC hints dropped in that teaser video posted by the park as well, including fragments of what appear to be layouts to an RMC Raptor as well as one of the new RMC Wild Moose coaster concepts.
    Given that Lost Island Theme Park is still trying to stabilize itself as a new theme park that opened in most uncertain times, if the park really is going to add a surprise new coaster in 2024, something modest sized like the Wild Moose would be a perfect fit. The smaller ride would also fill a void in the park’s coaster lineup, as they currently only have a kiddie Wacky Worm style coaster (Lokolo) before jumping up to the two big thrill coasters: Matugani and Nopuko.
    Previously this week I’ve also discussed the value and rapid rise in popularity with parks now seeking to buy fun Family Coasters for their parks, and a Wild Moose would definitely check that box for Lost Island.  Hopefully we’ll find out more soon.
    (1/14/2024) Lost Island Theme Park has posted a teaser on IG indicating that ‘Something Hot Is Coming”. According to the text, “Unlock the Secrets of Lost Island! Get an exclusive look at the past, present, and future with our latest teaser. ��️‍♂️ Watch now and be the first to know what's coming in 2024!”
    The park also posted a teaser video of items on display at the No Coaster Con 2024 this weekend. So far we haven’t heard about any signs of major construction, so whatever is on the way for 2024 may be smaller in scale, perhaps even entertainment based or some kind of interactive App based exploration game? Anyone know more?

    (11/10/2023) According to a post on the Lost Island Waterpark FB page, “Something new is on the horizon.” Anyone have any ideas?





Track Record


Newest Developments
2023 - Matugani & Yuta Falls

2022 - New Theme Park


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