MAGIC SPRINGS & Crystal Falls Hot Springs, Arkansas Owned by EPR Properties Managed by Premier Parks LLC
Park Opens for the 2025 season on May 3
Park News - (3/20/2025) Today we received some sad news about Magic Springs. Yes… Magic Springs… a little park we really haven’t heard much about in many years. In fact, the last attraction that I know of that was added to this park was well before COVID struck, and was back in 2018 when Magic Springs added Brain Drain, a 14-story tower ride. Before that, it was Sky Shark (a SkyCoaster) that was added back in 2014. Like I said, a not a whole lot has been going on at Magic Springs, especially after the park owners signed a Lease-Back deal with CNL Income Properties back in 2007, and then CNL sold the property to EPR Properties in late 2016, who brought on Premier Parks, LLC to manage the day to day operations, and it’s been pretty much a long dry spell ever since. As for the new bad news… Magic Springs announced that they are officially retiring the park’s wooden roller coaster, Arkansas Twister, which opened at the park back in 2000 and has ran for the past 24 years but is now said to be “permanently closed”. Perhaps even worse… the park also confirmed that at this time, there are no plans to actually REMOVE the coaster from the park. So they’re going to let this large iconic wooden coaster stand and essentially rot away, as a visual lure to get unsuspecting guests to come visit. As the website states, “The coaster will remain in the park for the foreseeable future with no plans for removal, but it will be non-operational.” So in other words, they don’t want to spend the money to bring it down until they really have to. This does make me wonder just how much time Magic Springs has left, as a lack of investment in new attractions followed by the closing of the Arkansas Twister doesn’t paint a bright future for the long term survival of the park. I came across a POV video of it and posted it below so everyone can take one last virtual ride.
2025 - Nothing is known at this time... nothing new added since 2018.