CEDAR POINT Sandusky, Ohio (Abbreviation: CP) Cedar Fair Entertainment
---- THE LATEST NEWS ---- (2/27/2025) Cedar Point To Also Add Free Personal Item Lockers To Siren's Curse (2/24/2025) Cedar Point Is Adding a Free Locker System For Top Thrill 2 (2/23/2025) New Improvements Coming in 2025 Announced (2/14/2025) New Details for Siren's Curse and Top Thrill 2 Announced (2/5/2025) Siren's Curse Tower Gets Topped Off (2/1/2025) Siren's Curse Track Has Gone Vertical
Park News - (2/27/2025) In addition to the new free lockers for small personal items that Cedar Point is adding to Top Thrill 2 this season, the park also confirmed that a similar locker system would also be put in use at the new Siren’s Curse coaster when it opens later this season. Keep in mind that these lockers will not be large enough to hold backpacks and large purses, so be sure to leave those at home, otherwise you’ll need to use a regular paid locker. (2/23/2025) New improvements are slated for Cedar Point, announced at the park’s Winter Chill Out tour event that took place yesterday. It was announced that two new tube slides are coming to the Cedar Point Shores waterpark this summer that will be attached to the former Crosscurrent slide tower. The slides will be brightly colored and one will feature translucent sections to create a fun lighting effect inside for the sliders. It was also confirmed that the Famous Dave’s BBQ Restaurant at the Cedar Point Marina is closing down, and moving to take over the space formerly occupied by Quaker Steak and Lube next to the Castaway Bay indoor waterpark resort. The relocation should be complete by the start of the season in May. Other changes include the removal of the outdoor stage by Iron Dragon in order to make way for Siren’s Curse, a new photo spot inside the entrance to replace the old 150th anniversary photo spot, an expansion of The Happy Friar, and new live shows throughout the park (Rock This Way in the Red Garter Saloon and Country Crossroads - Live at the Palace in Frontier Town. (2/14/2025) For those wondering, Cedar Point’s Tony Clark did confirm to a local news station what we had been suspecting all along… that Siren’s Curse was indeed planned for Six Flags Mexico, “but they were not able to build it there.” “So, fortunately, we were able to pick it up.” This worked in Cedar Point’s favor as Clark noted that in their own internal guest surveys, Cedar Point guests had been actually asking for a Tilt Coaster, so when the opportunity came, they were happy to add it to their line-up. Look for Siren’s Curse to open sometime in Summer 2025. Meanwhile, when talking to the local Fox station, park officials also noted that Top Thrill 2 is expected to be back up and running in time for opening day, on Saturday May 3rd! So I guess local fans should keep an eye on the skyline to watch for more Top Thrill 2 testing to begin again very soon. (1/17/2025) The Sandusky Register noted this week that many past employees of Cedar Point hoping to return to work for the 2025 season are likely to experience up to a 25% pay cut compared to their past earnings. How so? You may recall that during the start of the pandemic, Cedar Point was desperate for workers to keep the park running in 2020, and they put together a new pay off to attraction job seekers to work for the park. This involved a highly promoted $20 per hour starting wage, which really broke down as a $15 per hour wage and an extra $5 per hour “legacy pay” bonus. Cedar Point has kept that legacy pay bonus on the books up through the 2024 season, but in 2025 returning employees have apparently been notified that the legacy pay bonus is no more and that returning employees will return making only their base hourly pay rate. Another interesting factoid is that most of the summer position at Cedar Point are considered as “seasonal” and Ohio wage law apparently does not require that seasonal employees get any kind of “overtime” pay compensation. It is thought that the park may be hoping to really rely more on the J-1 Visa program, which they use to bring in large numbers of international workers, many of which pay $300 to $500 per month back to the park in exchange for living in nearby employee dorm residences. I’d think it is safe to say that Cedar Point might be impacted a bit by the decision to cut-back their local staff pay by 25%, especially due to the park’s remote location that makes getting the park fully staffed each season already a very difficult goal. (1/10/2025) According to Yahoo news, Cedar Point is removing another closed attraction this winter, the family climbing attraction in Forbidden Frontier. The attraction area itself has been closed since the end of the 2022 season and has never reopened, after only being kept for just four seasons. The site is close to other attractions that have been removed, Snake River Falls and Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling. So while this site isn’t the focus of the park’s current 2026 new attraction project, Siren’s Curse, this does seem to give us a large space to be earmarked for future use in the years to come. (10/27/2024) A sent a link to some more pictures of the repainting taking place on Millennium Force at Cedar Point and as you can see in the close-up shots the color being painted is more of a plain gray color than the previous silver color. Given that some of the photos show that the gray coat was applied a little sloppy in some locations, leaving patches of the old silver color showing through, I’m inclined to ponder if this is a primer coat being put down now, ahead of applying a silver color again.
(10/20/2024) A reader sent in a photo from The Point taken on Friday, where it looks like crews have begun working to repaint Millennium Force. Unlike a few other re-paint projects that have begun at two of the other old-guard Cedar Fair parks, MF is being repainted blue to maintain the classic color scheme.
(10/14/2024) Cedar Point surprised guests this past weekend by selling off slices of the former coaster track inversion that was removed from Maverick before it ever opened for about $either $299 a slice, or $349 for a limited slide that was signed by Intamin’s Sandor Kernacs, the only know rider to experience the g-force excessive heartline roll element before it was removed. These were limited to only be sold in the park, and there was said to only be a total of 390 pieces available, so they are likely gone by now, but if you can get in this week, you never know, they might have a slice or two left.
(8/3/2024) Cedar Point has confirmed that after 31 years of service, they will be shutting down Snake River Falls for good. The last chance you’ll have to ride this fairly unique big splash flume ride will be on Labor Day, September 2nd as the park makes the way “for future expansion.” Cedar Point isn’t saying what is coming yet, but don’t assume it will be another water ride. We have only to look at what happened over at Carowinds to over the past decade to know that a lost water ride does not mean that a new water ride is coming, as Carowinds lost all three of their water rides in the span of a decade (Powder Keg in 2009, White Water Falls in 2016 and Rip Roaring Rapids in 2018) and hasn’t received a single new water ride since. In many ways, Cedar Point as sort of been following this same trend, closing Mill Race in 1993, White Water Landing in 2005, the ill-fated Shoot the Rapids flume opened in 2010 and was closed for good in 2015. So in 2024, we can add Snake River Falls to that growing list of lost water rides at The Point (along with the once again closed Snake River Expedition), leaving the park with just one final water ride, the Thunder Canyon rapids.
 2024 2025 - Top Thrill 2 - (2/24/2025) A few weeks ago, you may have caught wind of an article I wrote that was published by Blooloop, where I point out that by now every major theme park should offer a free storage locker system for riders to use on the major thrill rides, especially the coasters. Universal Orlando has been doing this ever since they opened Islands of Adventure back in 1999 and now even Walt Disney World has joined the trend by including free lockers on Tron Lightcycle/Run. I’m happy to see that the trend is expanding, as Cedar Point announced that a free locker system would also be offered to guests to use this season on Top Thrill 2, which will have a strict no loose objects policy. As for the ride itself, Tony Clark spoke to the local news that confirmed that the trains for Top Thrill 2 are expected back at the park within “the next month or so” so that pre-season testing can begin in time for everything to get checked out by the park and state inspectors, so that it can open in time for opening day.
(1/19/2025) Tony Clark from Cedar Point stopped by the ACE No Coaster Con this weekend and dropped a few tidbits about the status of Top Thrill 2. According to those in attendance, Tony said that Zamperla is still working on train modiciations, and at this time Cedar Point expects to have the latest versions of the trains back on site in the next few months for testing. If everything goes well with the new train design, then Top Thrill 2 could actually be ready to roll on Opening Day, which is currently set for May 3rd, 2025. So let’s hope for the best… As for Siren’s Curse… it won’t be ready for opening day, but they are expecting it to be ready to open to guests sometime in “early summer”, though if you visit in May you will likely see it testing.
(12/12/2024) Curiously, some pictures have begun floating around on social media showing off a train testing once again on Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point. Unfortunately, there are some long range photos, so we can’t really see any details about the train that is testing to know if there are any visible differences from the original trains. And to be honest, we still don’t know a thing about who is working on Top Thrill 2 right now, as the rumor mill has suggested that Cedar Point might have parted ways with Zamperla over the summer. Again… that too is just a rumor, as I’m pretty sure Zamperla would like to make this right if they are able. In the meantime, if you are a local to the area, keep your eyes on the Cedar Point skyline for future developments. (10/27/2024) I’ve been pondering just what the surprise introduction of Siren’s Curse means for Cedar Point in 2025. Some articles are already starting to appear elsewhere claiming that The Point will be the place to be in 2025 simply because they are expected to open two major coasters in the same season… Siren’s Curse and the expected reopening of Top Thrill 2 that was open only a few weeks into 2024 before being shut down. Currently the Cedar Point website only has maintained the same message that Top Thrill 2 will not open in 2024. But if you visit the official website today, once you scroll down pack the information about Halloweekends, you’ll only see a promotion for Siren’s Curse coming in 2025 and really no mention at all about Top Thrill 2 other than the statement from August that won’t reopen this year. While there is still a lot going on behind the scenes that is not being made public about what exactly is going on with Top Thrill 2, the lack of any kind of promotion at all right now does send a clear message of uncertainty on everyone’s part about the status of the coaster. Add on to this that we have the promotion of only Siren’s Curse right now, an unexpected new addition being rushed into the park… and to me, this is almost a sort of vote of no-confidence that Top Thrill 2 will open in 2025. Or at least, it is unlikely to be ready to go until sometime AFTER Siren’s Curse opens, which is where they are obviously spending their efforts right now. Weeks? Months? Heck, it may be another year or more… we just don’t know because no one is talking yet. (8/24/2024) Cedar Point has finally confirmed what we warned everyone about back in June… that the work to fix the roller coaster trains on Top Thrill 2 is going to take a lot longer than expected. While the park attempted to bring hope that it might reopen over the summer, we did not really expect to see that happen, and now the park has issued an update at last that. According to the new statement, Zamperla has been working all summer to complete a “mechanical modification” to the trains, but this work will not be completed in time to reopen Top Thrill 2 during 2024. So now they are setting their sights to reopening the ride for guests in 2025.
(6/5/2024) Cedar Point did post a small new update about Top Thrill 2 yesterday. While they still aren’t saying what the problem is, I think the generalist gist has gotten out there by now. According to the post, Zamperla is still working on the needed modifications to the trains, and they are not even able to speculate about when the ride could reopen at this time. So like I said… don’t expect to ride it at CoasterMania. Now… you may get to see it test… but that’s a whole other story.
(6/1/2024) We’ve got a quick update about what you may be seeing happen soon on Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point. We’ve heard reports from guests who have spotted maintenance team members who appear to be working to install the wheels back onto one of the coaster’s trains, since they were previously removed. So considering this an advanced warning… You might actually see Top Thrill 2 testing in the near future, but if you do, know that this is NOT a sign that the coaster is going to open anytime soon. I know those who are signed up to attend CoasterMania are hoping this will happen, but it won’t. From what I’m led to understand, a train is being made ready for make test runs so that they can watch and study the issues that took place in order to create a future re-design that will address those same problems. So again… If you see Top Thrill 2 testing, it is not being prepared to reopen in any form for riders at this time, and especially not for CoasterMania. (5/30/2024) Cedar Point’s Tony Clark spoke on a local radio show this week, and of course the status of Top Thrill 2 came up, as you might expect. Tony Clark confirmed that this has been a challenging time for the park, and while he wouldn’t say exactly what the problem is, he did confirm that Zamperla’s team is on site at the park right now and working on the issue. As such, they hope to have an official update before too long, but he did confirm that “This isn’t a summer-long thing,” indicating that Top Thrill 2 should re-open sometime over the summer season. (5/14/2024) I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but new information has been sent my way regarding the issues with Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point. For the sake of everyone involved, I’m not going to go into details about what exactly went wrong with Top Thrill 2. I can of course confirm that the issues are train related, and that it is a good thing that they did not go undetected for any longer than they did. Also, the problem is not with just one of the trains, but all three trains. Now for the bad news… because if what I’m starting to hear is true, the best-case scenario for it to reopen would be sometime in July, and of course in the worst-case... we may not see Top Thrill 2 reopen until next season. For now, I’d expect it to be quiet on-site, as new parts have to re-designed, tested and created, before shipping to the park to be tested on-site. So be patient and if visiting, keep an eye open for any new activity in the weeks to come. (5/12/2024) While Top Thrill 2 successfully opened at Cedar Point and had been getting rave reviews, earlier this morning Cedar Point posted an update on their social media explaining that starting today, Top Thrill 2 will be closed while Zamperla ‘completes a mechanical modification to the ride’s vehicles.” Once completed, testing by Zamperla and Cedar Point will take place to approve the modification, and allow Top Thrill 2 to reopen to guests. No exact timeline (nor even a guess) has been posted, but based on the warning, I’m guessing it may be at least a week or more, as I’m not sure if they would have issued a public statement if it was only going to be closed for a couple of days. So while I don’t know the issue, the last couple days of operation did spawn some social media reports showing the train occasionally just barely making it over the top-hat, and even a full-speed roll-back or two. So since the press release does mention this will involve a modification to the trains, we can only assume it is something to do with either the train’s wheels (maybe burning up too fast) or the wheel assemblies themselves. Again… no promises are being made at all, but with the annual CoasterMania event being set to take place on June 7, 2024… I’m sure Cedar Point and Zamperla are going to do everything they can to ensure that Top Thrill 2 is re-open in time for the big showcase.
(4/25/2024) Top Thrill 2 opened up for testing to media and invited guests. You can check out popular reporter and thrill ride fan, Marcus Leshock, take Cedar Point’s new and improved monster coaster for a test spin below!
2025 - Siren’s Curse - (2/5/2025) Cedar Point has posted a new episode of the Siren’s Curse construction blog that covers the topping out of the new coaster’s massive tilt-track section at the tippy top of the tower.
(2/1/2025) Good news for Cedar Point fans, as the park has confirmed that they have placed the first piece of track for the new Siren’s Curse roller coaster.
(1/27/2025) Cedar Point has finally posted the full POV animation of the new Siren’s Curse roller coaster opening this Summer.
(12/20/2024) Cedar Point has posted the second episode of their Siren’s Curse Chronicles construction videos, showcasing the first pieces of the coaster being put into place. They’re planning on moving fast on this, as the giant tower that will hold the Tilt element is expected to take about six weeks to put into place. The tilt track section is expected to be put into place sometime in early March, ahead of expected testing in April. The rest of the coaster track will begin to be installed once the tower is complete, and the last pieces to be installed will actually be underground trench/tunnel. So when will Siren’s Curse open? Typically Cedar Point likes to have their new rides ready for opening day if possible, and currently the park’s tentative 2025 calendar has now been posted, showing off a potential Saturary, May 3rd, opening date for the park. There is a disclaimer that the schedule is still being finalized and that the posted dates are subject to change, so don’t make your travel arrangements just yet.
(11/8/2024) Cedar Point may be closed for the season, but the track for Siren’s Curse is now piling up as they work on preparing the site for the new for 2025 roller coaster. Speaking of changes at the park, a new one was sent my way, with reports coming in that the top of the arch for the park’s Skycoaster (Professor Delbert’s Frontier Fling) had been removed. The listing for the attraction has also been removed from the park’s website, so it looks like it is coming down for good, and if you try to visit the former page for it, the site just forwards you on to the general list of park attractions, where it is no longer listed.
(10/27/2024) A huge collection of images showing off the Siren’s Curse site at Cedar Point has been shared on Facebook.
(9/25/2024) Vekoma has shown off a picture of one of their new coaster trains with the on-board LED lighting package at the IAAPA European Expo this week. Some have wondered if this may be a train for the new Siren’s Curse coaster coming to Cedar Point, I’m not quite sure. The coaster train in the photo is only five cars long, compared to the six-car long train shown in the Siren’s Curse animation. The color scheme is also wrong, but that doesn’t mean that Cedar Point might have chosen a variety of different color schemes for the new coaster, so you never know.
(9/19/2024) Cedar Point’s announcement this morning surprised everyone, as the park confirmed plans to build Siren’s Curse, a Vekoma TILT Coaster. Not only will this likely end up being the first TILT coaster in North America (due to ongoing delays with the Circuit Breaker coaster announced for COTALAND in Austin, TX) but Cedar Point has announced that Siren’s Curse will be North America’s TALLEST, LONGEST and FASTEST Tilt Coaster. The new coaster will be located across from Iron Dragon, not far from the Cedar Point Marina, and stand 160 feet tall and hit a top speed of 58mph along 2,966 feet of track. What will catch everyone’s eyes is the first drop though… because as the train climbs the 160 foot lift hill, the train will slowly turn to the left and approach the edge of what appeared to be a very broken piece of track. Coming to the stop at the end, the entire section of track under the train will creek and slowly begin to tilt forward until the train is locked into place, hanging vertically with the riders looking straight down at the ground and pathway below. My first take was that this was a bit of an odd-choice for Cedar Point, given that Siren’s Curse will be located essentially right between Valravn (the park’s Dive Machine coaster) and the back spike of Top Thrill 2 (which hopefully will also be open at the same time in 2025). Unlike those other two coaster however, the track that follows the vertical plunge on Siren’s Curse is a bit more aggressive looking, featuring 13 moments of airtime for the riders, two high-speed 360º barrel roll inversions, a high speed “triple down”, and more, this actually does look like a really fun new coaster. Add in the fact that Vekoma has been killing it with all their latest roller coasters around the world, arriving back on the North American scene with this custom creation I think will really wow the roller coaster fans out there. If you’ve had a chance to ride any of their latest family launched coasters in the US (Big Bear Mountain at Dollywood, or Tron: Lightcycle/Run and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind at Walt Disney World) then you probably are already a big fan of what Vekoma has turned into, and can’t wait to try out one of their new high thrill projects. One more fun bit of information before we get to the animated visuals below. Cedar Point has confirmed that the trains on Siren’s Curse will feature some cutting edge LED lighting allowing them to glow as they soar across the sky, and in a first for Cedar Point, the trains will also be loaded with speakers to play an on-board audio soundtrack so you can be haunted by the Siren’s song as you try to escape. Oh, and if the animation is anything to go by, this ride is going to feel relentless as it starts off with the bang and shows so sign of slowing down at all until you hit the brake run. Check it out below!