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News & Rumors


& White Water Atlanta
Six Flags Theme Parks
Atlanta, Georgia






icon_STOPPark News - (3/4/2025) According to some posts on social media, Six Flags over Georgia is apparently removing the Kid Flash Cosmic Coaster after being unable to successfully operate it for any length of time over the past couple seasons. It is also said that the park’s SkyCoaster and Go-Karts either already have, or are in the process of being removed. The later two are not surprising as many of SkyCoasters in Six Flags and Cedar Fair legacy parks have been coming down when their contracts are up, and many of the parks’ with Go-Karts have also been retiring those attractions as well.
    (2/22/2025) A new blog post from Six Flags over Georgia has confirmed yet another major refurbishment is taking place inside the park. Say what you want about the merger of Cedar Fair and Six Flags, but they certainly seem to be spending some good time in fixing up and restoring things at Six Flags over Georgia, which may be a bit telling about how things were going before the merger.
    According to the latest post their latest upgrade will bring about a new dining and retail experience in the USA section of the park. This hilltop section of the park has gone through a number of thematic changes over the years, changing from how it started in 1967 as an area celebrating “modern technology and advancements” in the USA, to how it has looked lately as a retro look at 1950’s Americana.
    DeeJay’s Diner was closed during Holiday in the Park so they could begin a complete interior overhaul to the restaurant for the 2025 season that will bring a “brighter, sleeker” look with a mid-century design flair. The revamp didn’t stop with the new decor, but they say the menu has been overhauled as well and will add a number of mouthwatering new dishes, including hand-breaded chicken tenders and sandwiches, All-American Cheeserburgers of course, along with a house-made mac and cheese. (DeeJay’s Diner will be ready on opening day, March 15).
    Also new for 2025, Daddy O’s BBQ will be replaced with Firehouse BBQ, which should be ready in time for Spring Break, featuring a fiery transformation, inside and out. “Step into a cozy, small-town firehouse with authentic décor sourced from local fire stations. The walls will be adorned with fire fighter helmets, vintage alarm bells, fire hose reels, and more, all set against a backdrop of bold, rustic charm.” “But the real heat comes from the menu. Firehouse BBQ will still serve mouthwatering southern classics, like brisket and pulled pork slow roasted to perfection, slow cooked collard greens and chicken drumsticks full of flavor, and golden roasted smashed potatoes.”
    Both of these new restaurants will feature “Crew Service”, a new service design created to speed up the lines and get your food to you fresher than ever.
    Also new this season will be the transformation of the Attitudes shop, which will now look like a small town tire and auto-body shop, five new new drink refill stations spread out across the park will open throughout the spring and summer, themed to fit into whatever section of the park that they are in. For those who may have been frustrated with refill areas in the past, these five stations were also mentioned to be staffed by an attendant to help out and speed things along. Even better, it isn’t just coke brand beverages you can refill here, they say you will also be able to buy and refill ICEEs as well.
    Check out the official blog post for more details and photos of how the new locations look right now.
    (2/19/2025) Six Flags over Georgia has posted a fascinating set of new photos, showing off one of the park’s Georgia Scorcher trains undergoing a complete top-to-bottom mechanical rebuild. In addition to all the mechanical parts being refurbished, the entire train is getting a fresh paint job, new seat padding, upholstery and new harnesses from B&M. Based on the photos, this is the #2 train.
    Meanwhile the park has also confirmed that the repaint of of the tracks Georgia Gold Rusher is complete, and they are testing it daily ahead of the planned grand opening. They still need to repaint the train itself, but the park has confirmed that Georgia Gold Rusher will be ready for guests to ride on opening day, Saturday, March 15th!

    (2/2/2025) Six Flags over Georgia will open for the 2025 season on March 15 and has already listed a number of special events that the park is planning on hosting throughout the season. You can obviously expect to see the return of the park’s popular Spring Break festivities (April 5-13) but the park is going to try something new over the summer season with “Summerbration”.
    Summerbration will feature a number of special add-ons that will take place on select dates in June and July, including the new “Splash! Water Parade” featuring an array of Wacky Water Works machines that will do their best to spray and splash guests throughout the park on those hot summer days. The park will also host a Star-Spangled Nights fireworks celebration on July 4 and 5th.
    In the fall you can expect to see the return of the FrightFest after dark (Select Nights, Sept 13 to Nov 2), along with two daytime events: Oktoberfest for the adults and foodies, and Kids Boo Fest for those not quite ready to take on FrightFest.
    And yes… the park has confirmed that the Holiday in the Park festivities will return in 2025, on select nights from Nov. 22 to Jan. 4, 2026.
    Visit the official site for all the details released thus far.

    (1/18/2025) Six Flags over Georgia is teasing that some kind of announcement may be coming on Jan. 22 by posting pictures of a project folder with the date stuck onto the cover, and inside a look at pictures that seem linked to the park’s Dahlonega Mine Train attraction.

    (12/20/2024) Six Flags over Georgia posted an interesting new picture on FB this week, showcasing the new and open view of the park’s Blue Hawk roller coaster. According to the report, design crews have started to take a long hard look at the park and where the various buildings may be blocking some fantastic views and sightlines in the park. So the first result of this was to remove the queue building for Blue Hawk, which now revealed a great view of this unique roller coaster.
    The park also confirmed that in the spring one of Blue Hawk’s two trains received a updated axels from Vekoma, and over the winter the second train will also get them. In addition Blue Hawk will also install a brand new control system.


    (8/18/2024) I’m not sure how I feel about this, but at the Six Flags over Georgia CoasterFest presentation it was announced that Goliath will be getting a new color scheme for the 2025 season. While I believe the orange and blue trains will remain, the same, the orange track is going away, and will be repainted a Turquoise Blue Color, while the currently blue supports will be repainted a Tarpaulin Grey (RAL 7010) color.
    Going back to the original Goliath at Six Flags Magic Mountain, I always kind of felt that the Orange color kind of fit with the Goliath name in general, so this switch may take some getting used it. Of course, the color scheme of the Georgia Surfer is also likely to blame, as it features orange supports and blue track, making it look a little too similar (but opposite) to Goliath.
    Look for the work to repaint the coaster to begin sometime this Fall, which could potentially cause the ride to close early for the season, or at the very leave to be closed a little more often than normal to allow crews to work on it.


icon_STOP2025 - Georgia Gold Rusher - (3/15/2025) The new Georgia Goldrusher opened at Six Flags over Georgia and  you can check out the action below. It may be short, but it looks like a whole lot of fun, and if it rides the way I think it does, I think everyone is going to really enjoy this unique creation.
    You may notice that it doesn’t seem to spin very much, which is a little odd. I believe the seats spin freely, but for whatever reason it just doesn’t seem to be happening yet on the media preview and first day of operations. Meanwhile the standard U-shaped Intamin Surfrider installed as Avatar Airbender at the Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America has the same style train, but as you can see in this video, those seats do spin a good bit more than what we are seeing at Six Flags over Georgia right now. Perhaps this is just a matter of breaking in the ride or making some small adjustments to anything restricting the freedom of the spinning seats.

    (1/23/2025) Some interesting news came from Six Flags over Georgia this week when the park announced that the new for 2025 attraction formerly known as the Georgia Surfer was going to be repainted, rethemed and renamed as the Georgia Gold Rusher instead for the 2025 season. Check it out below!

    (10/30/2024) Six Flags over Georgia fans will enjoy seeing the new Georgia Surfer attraction making a test run! It may not open until 2025, but at least it looks like it will be ready to open at the start of the season! Check it out below!

    (10/12/2024) While I can’t share the photo because the Facebook content is locked unless you join, the train for the Georgia Surfer has now been loaded onto the tracks at last. This means that actual testing can’t be too far away.
    While we know it won’t open until 2025, I’ve got to say that I think this ride is going to surprise a lot of people if it rides as well as the regular Intamin SurfRider. I was able to take a spin on the Avatar Airbender at Nickelodeon Universe this summer at the Mall of America and for a ride on such a small footprint, the thrills it gives are huge and really took me by surprise.
    So for those chomping at the bit to ride Georgia Surfer, I think you’re going to like this a lot when it opens next Spring!
    (8/14/2024) As many feared all summer, Six Flags over Georgia has now officially delayed the opening of the new Georgia Surfer ride until the 2025 season. With that in mind, I do still think this ride is going to surprise a lot of people, because if it rides anything like Intamin’s regular Surf Riders, it will pack a good punch into a small package.
    You can see the official statement from  he park below.

    (7/11/2024) For everyone wanting to know the status of the Georgia Surfer, a construction video shot on June 30th was posted to YouTube this week. As we can see the track install is all complete, but only the basic framework is up the ride’s computer room, and the basic ground forms have been poured for the station area, but everywhere else, it looks like there is still a lot of landscaping to do along with the queue.
    So really… the question is, are they going to have this thing ready to open before the “Summer” or daily operations start? Unfortunately, since the park stops daily operations on July 29th, before moving to a weekend only schedule, they’ve only got 2 and a half weeks to go. Given that they haven’t even put the train on for testing yet… I’m still guessing that it may be Fright Fest before Georgia Surfer is ready to open.
    Keep in mind that when Aquaman construction ran late at Six Flags over Texas, they delayed the opening until the Spring the following year, so it is possible for that to happen again. The good news is that now that Six Flags has merged with Cedar Fair, this scenario may be less likely to happen.
    On a side note, during a trip a couple of weeks ago I found myself at the Mall of America, home to Nickelodeon Universe, which is home to a first generation Intamin SurfRider called Avatar Airbender. The small shuttle coaster uses the same style train and spinning seat units that will be used on the Georgia Surfer, but in a smaller half-pipe configuration. While the ride looks small and simple, the ride experience is actually very thrilling, forceful, offering both fun and freaky moments during the ride cycle. In short, I loved it! Since the Georgia Surfer is sort of an expansion of the concept, featuring a bigger layout, I’m hoping that it will prove to be a popular hit with the park’s guests once they open it.

    (6/14/2024) The construction pace at Six Flags over Georgia just picked  up, as the majority of the track and supports for the new Georgia Surfer coaster have now been installed. As I mentioned before, there is a lot of work left to do, including testing and they still have to build the queue and station and support structures for the attractions, but things are looking up for the ride to potentially open before the end of Summer. You can see pictures posted to FB if you join the Unofficial Six Flags over Georgia Discussion Group page. (Unfortunately, the group is listed as private, and I’m unable to share the images directly here.)
    (6/5/2024) Some pictures have been posted by the park of the Georgia Surfer install that you can see below. Since these were taken, supports for one of the end spikes have also gone up from what I’m told. While finally some rapid progress is great, there is still a lot left to do. So far there isn’t really any sign of pathways, a ride entrance, a queue, nor a station structure. Plus I haven’t see any photos of any kind of electronics shed building that would house the ride’s control computers as well as the equipment to power all the LSMs. 
    So like I said… still a long ways to go, but lets hope things can still try to come together quickly so we don’t have another new ride not open until Fright Fest or later.

    (5/7/2024) So how are things going with the Georgia Surfer? Based on the video footage posted here, things are moving very slow. They have made some significant progress since the last time I saw footage of the site, as things are now only all cleared out, b ut lots of concrete has been poured for footers and the splash pool.
    So the question is… will it be ready this summer? I have serious doubts. I mean, I can see it possibly being ready by August, and if was another Six Flags park, that might be good enough but the school season starts insanely early in Georgia. How early you ask? We’re talking August 1st! So while it will still be hot as hades in the ATL in August, staffing suddenly becomes an issue as attendance levels from the local market dive on the weekdays. So just as we saw with Aquaman at Six Flags over Texas, when the park realized they couldn’t open the ride before August, they opted to push it back to the next season, and I wouldn’t be surprised if SFOG opts to do the same at some point.
    If the pace of construction picks up and a July opening looks possible, then you never know, but this is an Intamin prototype, so there will be testing… lots of testing.
    (4/22/2024) For those wondering, the latest pictures of the Georgia Surfer construction site over at the Unofficial SFOG Facebook page still show a site that is almost entirely dirt, with a few holes here and there where it looks like concrete has been poured. Unfortunately sharing isn’t allowed if you aren’t in the group, so you’ll have to request to join to see the images posted here if you have not joined yet.
    (3/11/2024) These pictures are actually from last weekend, send in by a reader who went to SFOG on opening day, but from the look of things, don’t count on seeing the new Georgia Surfer ride open anytime soon. Work crews are still just working on clearing out the site itself at this point. I don’t see any serious signs of actual installation or early install prep work at all on the site, which has been fairly accurately described as just being a ‘mud hole’ right now.
    Unfortunately, I think we are likely looking at another late summer project, unless they can install it is something that can go up very quickly. Despite the concept art showing off an attraction set on a fairly level site, the actual construction site is anything but and there is going to be quite a bit of work to do here as they bring up the lower section of the site which will be where the splash-pool is.

    (2/2/2024) Six Flags over Georgia has finally announced the name for their new 2024 ride, the Intamin Ultra Surf. As many suspected, the park went with the name, Georgia Surfer for the new first-of-its-kind ride from Intamin.
    (10/11/2023) Six Flags over Georgia has narrowed their choices down to three possible names for their new 2024 Ultra Surf Coaster attraction. As submitted by guests, the top three final names to choose from are: “Aquaphobia”, “Georgia Surfer” and “Iron Splash: The Surf Coaster”.
    Follow this link to cast your vote.
    (8/20/2023) The guesses to the clues on that shipping crate were right on the money as Six Flags over Georgia announced to the fans at Coaster Fest that they were indeed adding an Intamin Ultra Surf coaster to the park on the location of the former Splash Water Falls. They haven’t released a theme or a name yet, but they did share all the technical details and seems to hint that they might be accepting suggestions to help them name it in the near future. While anything is possible of course, this is Six Flags, so I’m still thinking they might give it an Aquaman theme.
    The experience is a mix between the old Intamin Half-Pipe style ride, featuring two sets of seats that spin on the giant board shaped shuttle vehicle, mixed with a layout very similar (just smaller is scale) to Mack’s Power Splash.

    (8/9/2023) A new theory is going around online about the Six Flags over Georgia announcement. This one may sound like a bit of a stretch at first, but the concept does sound possible, especially given the rumored location where the former Splash Water Falls used to be.
    While many have focused on the return address on the teaser crate being from Amusement Drive (which ironically is a road in the parking lot of Canada’s Wonderland) another person focused instead of the address… “44180”, which does not exist in Canada by the way.
    So what might 44180 stand for?  Maybe it is just a strange coincidence, but Intamin’s new Ultra Surf Coaster concept is actually 180 meters long, and 44 meters high. So what is the Ultra Surf and why should we care? Intamin’s Ultra Surf is actually their answer to Mack’s PowerSplash, which Six Flags just opened at Six Flags over Texas as Aquaman: Power Wave.
    Screamscape had privately heard whispers that Six Flags had taken some issues regarding some downtime issues with Aquaman in Texas, and add in that the bigger PowerSplash is too large for the footprint of the former Splash Water Falls ride, but Intamin’s Ultra Surf may fit perfectly.
    While this just may be an example of “rumoring gone wild”, the various stickers on the crate all represent the counties where Intamin currently has offices: USA, Germany, China, Japan and Switzerland. Give the official promo video below from Intamin that shows off the Surf Riders 2.0 and then ends with a look at the Ultra Surf to see it in action. Given the location between the DC Comics themed kiddie area that bridges over to the bigger Metropolis area with Justice League and Superman, another Aquaman theme could be very appropriate for the Ultra Surf if put here.

    (8/6/2023) Just for clarification, the Six Flags over Georgia team has confirmed that the “big announcement” taking place during the park’s new Coaster Fest event will be to reveal “Something Big” that is coming to the park for next season. Those in attendance will be among the first to discovery what is in store for the 2024 season.
    Other fun parts of the new Coaster Fest event will include Behind the Scenes Tours, Lift Hill Walks (additional fee), Exclusive Ride Times on Goliath, Batman, and Superman, as well as the chance to buy a Roller Coaster 5K booklet and ride 16,404ft of coaster track during the event for an exclusive prize. Visit the official website for all the details.
    (8/5/2023) Six Flags over Georgia previously teased that the park would make some kind of announcement on August 19 and now we have a new hint. A large “Priority Mail” package has arrived near the entrance of the park’s Crystol Pistol theater, along with the message “Do Not Open Until August 19”, which will also be the day the park hosts the CoasterFest event.
    The markings on the box are a little odd however, and there appear to be more on the sides that we can not see in the photo. What we can see is a strange emblem claiming a May 5, 2019 arrival from the USA, and another one claiming it departed from Tokyo, Japan on December 1st, 2022.
    I don’t emblems are legit hints, or just chosen at random, as I can’t make any sense of them.

    (7/1/2023) Six Flags over Georgia fans will notice some new construction taking place in the park. While the Splashwater Falls (aka: big splash boat ride) was removed from Six Flags over Georgia in 2018, the concrete splash-down pool and flume has remained in place for the past five years. While this was likely due to the costs involved the removal of the concrete, the arrival of the pandemic and the fact that some of the supports for the Dahlonega Mine Train are also embedded into this same concrete structure only served to complicate matters.
    Posts to social media last week however show that demolition work to break up and remove this large blue concrete eyesore has now begun. Rumor has it that the park will have an announcement to make in the near future about a possible new-for-2024 project, and this could very well be the future location. The site is also interesting as it connects to the parks current Metropolis themed superhero area (home to the Superman coaster and Justice League dark ride) on the one side, and then connects to the kiddie-themed DC hero area on the other side of the footprint next to the Joker Funhouse Coaster.
    Based on much older rumors that suggested that SFOG may have been planning to add a single-rail RMC roller coaster to the park, it is worth remember that the chain’s original version, Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster at Six Flags Fiesta Texas was designed to replace exactly this same style ride and fit into that sized footprint. Plus the Woman Woman theme has been working well at Six Flags’s Fiesta Texas and Magic Mountain theme parks for this style ride to date. With that in mind, it is quite possible we could be looking at another such project in the works.


2027 - Six Flags Entertainment will have the Option to purchase 100% Ownership of the Six Flags over Georgia property. For more details, click here.




Track Record

Six Flags over Georgia
Atlanta, GA
Six Flags Theme Parks

Abbreviation: SFOG


Newest Developments:
2023 - Kid Flash Cosmic Coastger + Carribean Cove @ Six Flags WhiteWater

2021 - The Riddler Mindbender

2020 - Catwoman Whip & Poison Ivy Toxic Twister

2019 - Pandemonium & ScreamPunk District

2018 - Twisted Cyclone

2017 - Justice League

2016 - DC Superfriends, Bugs Bunny Boomtown, Ninja turned into Blue Hawk

2015 - Joker Chaos Coaster, Harley Quinn SpinSanity

2014 - Hurricane Harbor

2013 - Sky Screamer

2011 - Dare Devil Dive Coaster

2009 - Monster Mansion



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